Advertising your location and offers on Offer Spotter can help increase your visibility and drive traffic and revenue which helps fuel your success! Give users confidence that location and offer information is accurate by creating an admin user account and verifying your location’s profile!
Create a user account
Claim or define your location
Verify and publish your profile!!
Create an accountAs a local restaurant, bar, or brewery, you may not have the time or budget to develop and run successful advertising campaigns across local television and radio stations, streaming services, and the numerous social media platforms. Full scale advertising campaigns are beneficial to large chains that have the benefits of size and scale, but they may not be a prudent pursuit if you have just one or even several locations. Don’t worry; we’ve been working on a solution! Cue, Offer Spotter.
Offer Spotter aggregates and publishes promotional offers from local restaurants, bars, and breweries on our mobile app. We make it easy for users to see all of the happy hours, date nights, bottomless brunches, and any recurring specials offered by the local establishments in their area!
Offer Spotter is owned and operated by R Services LLC, a Minnesota registered limited liability company.